How do we let a beloved but toxic person?

Afza hijab
5 min readOct 19, 2022


Unknowingly, many of us deal with toxic people on a daily basis. They are one of our beloved us, so if we are being honest, we never abandoned them. You’ll never understand how upsetting it would be for you if it slowly but completely destroyed you.
And don’t worry, it’s a natural behavior for us to maintain these people in our lives despite how poisonous they are and regardless of how much suffering they inflict.
But it’s time to stop doing this, since you unwittingly pick up their harmful behaviors and endanger your mental health.

Photo by Meghan Hessler on Unsplash

We should learn how to let them go.

What is meant by a toxic person?

You need to understand what I meant by a toxic person before we continue.
Because of the negativity these people spread, you may experience depression, anxiety, discontent, and other negative emotions.

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As we all know, Actions speak louder than words. Sometimes you can’t recognize them by their words, but their actions will tell more about them. If you face this behavior, you may feel angry, disappointed, and unsure about yourself and your goals.

Habits of the toxic persons

Toxic persons usually have everyday habits. You will see fear and insecurity behaviour in them that is repeated regularly and tends to occur subconsciously.

In the company of these people, you will notice they emphasize negativity and ignore the positive aspect of every case. Criticizing, spreading jealousy, and time-wasting are their routine work. They loved to disappoint you and destroy your personality.

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If a person exhibits these traits or displays these behaviours, they are poisonous. So be cautious of those around you.

Toxic relationships

It’s a frequent fallacy that these connections may only exist between a spouse, wife, girlfriend, and boyfriend. In reality, these relationships can also exist between parents and children, a boss and an employee, friends, and many other types of partnerships.

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Every connection does the opposite — it makes you feel worse rather than better. You might experience self-doubt, uncertainty, insecurity, and denigration of your individuality.

Tips to let them go

Here are some tips you should follow to let them go. All practical tips you can apply will genuinely work for you.

1. Prioritize yourself

Regardless of their health, no matter how much you care about them. Even worse, you are unaware that they are licking you like termites. Simply keep in mind that you are more essential than anything else. Your top focus should be your emotional well-being.

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2. Cut off all contacts.

Sever all ties to the community. If you can’t block them from all of your accounts, ignore them. Meet them less frequently, and if you ever accidentally hit one, adjust your approach. Although you may find it difficult, following this action will help you get rid of poisonous individuals or relationships.

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3. Put your energy into achieving your goals.

Avoid wasting time with someone who is nasty, manipulative, or self-centred. Maintain a healthy lifestyle and focus all of your energy on achieving your financial and academic objectives.

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4. consultation

Consult a buddy who can offer you the finest guidance on how to handle this. Because it may be vital to talk to a trusted friend, your parents, or a psychiatrist during these stages you are going through. Maintain contact with a psychiatrist as well.

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5. Give time to yourself.

Every new shift required some time for your brain to adjust, and leaving someone you love when it matters might be difficult. The Journal of Positive Psychology claims that it takes you 18 weeks to feel better, but 18 months to fully recover.

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So don’t rush to forget someone immediately; keep patience.

6. Engage yourself in healthy activities

After this experience, it might not be a good idea to keep oneself in the darkroom. In this situation, suicidal thoughts may overtake you. So do yourself a favour and partake in these enjoyable activities that will also renew your mind.

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  1. Spend some time with friends and go on a tour
  2. Get enough sleep
  3. Say goodbye to social media for some time
  4. Read books
  5. Purse your favourite hobby
  6. Organize your wardrobe
  7. Watch your favourite movie
  8. Take care of yourself


For the sake of your mental health, get rid of poisonous individuals and relationships. Don’t let your emotions or mind be consumed by the love of a toxic person. Any relationship or person that makes you feel unimportant, totally meaningless, insecure, or unconfident is toxic. As quickly as you can, let them leave.

Adopt some positive habits, keep yourself occupied, appreciate your personality and individuality, find a good listener, accomplish your goals, and lie to others in real life instead of on social media. Spending time with your friends and family can also help you feel better.

It’s critical to be authentic. Do whatever you want, prioritise yourself and your goals, and resist being controlled by anyone; it doesn’t matter how you live your life.

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash



Afza hijab

A girl who loves to talk about mental health and self development|blogger|creater|review writer|